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Trilogia Codex

He's too hot for words.


Alex Lawson might as well be the hottest book boyfriend imaginable. A fun, romantic, possessive, panty-melting man. And the best part?
He’s real.
For a girl like me—a slightly awkward book addict—Alex is a dream come true, straight off the pages of my favorite romance novels. But our story is turning into a whirlwind romance—the kind that only exists in books.

And I wonder if we’re heading toward our own happily ever after, or if he’s too good to be true.


Here’s the thing. I’m not a bad guy. Lying to Mia wasn’t part of the plan. Finding success as a romance author using a female pen name wasn’t part of the plan either. But sometimes life takes unexpected turns. Like realizing the woman you’re falling for is your alter-ego’s online best friend.
Online, she thinks I’m a woman named Lexi. In person, she knows I’m all man. I want to worship her body and claim every inch of her.

But if she finds out the truth, I could lose everything.

01 - Book Boyfriend


Aqui você encontra: 

Casamento falso;

sexo no armário;

passagens secretas;

armas e cintas-liga;

bailes da alta sociedade;

livros raros e obras de arte;

romance de tirar o fôlego.

Título original: Behind the Veil
Tradução: Sara Lima
Capa: One Minute Design
Páginas: 445
Formato: e-book
ISBN: 9786599098055

He's too hot for words.


Alex Lawson might as well be the hottest book boyfriend imaginable. A fun, romantic, possessive, panty-melting man. And the best part?
He’s real.
For a girl like me—a slightly awkward book addict—Alex is a dream come true, straight off the pages of my favorite romance novels. But our story is turning into a whirlwind romance—the kind that only exists in books.

And I wonder if we’re heading toward our own happily ever after, or if he’s too good to be true.


Here’s the thing. I’m not a bad guy. Lying to Mia wasn’t part of the plan. Finding success as a romance author using a female pen name wasn’t part of the plan either. But sometimes life takes unexpected turns. Like realizing the woman you’re falling for is your alter-ego’s online best friend.
Online, she thinks I’m a woman named Lexi. In person, she knows I’m all man. I want to worship her body and claim every inch of her.

But if she finds out the truth, I could lose everything.

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É um livro sexy e cheio de suspense. Ao mesmo tempo que tem uma pegada de Indiana Jones e Dan Brown, tem um romance slow burn muito cativante. Henry e Delilah se encaixam como uma luva, mesmo sendo tão diferentes. Goodreads

 É revigorante ler uma história em que o personagem masculino é o cérebro e a mocinha é a que parte para a ação. É muito doce ver como Henry se apaixona por Delilah e ela por ele. As brincadeiras são inteligentes e muito cativantes, nada muito forçado. As cenas sexys slow burn são o máximo. Leitor da Amazon

A química entre Henry e Delilah é absurda. O enredo por trás do romance de "escritório" é fascinante. Um mistério que te deixará tenso para descobrir. Voltas e mais voltas através do submundo do roubo de antiguidades. Subterfúgios, intrigas e magnetismo abundam nesta deliciosa história. Goodreads

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